Beth Kelsey Licensed Massage Therapy |
Individualized treatments for stress reduction and pain management |
Frequently Asked Questions:What are the benefits of massage therapy?When should I receive a massage?Is massage safe during my pregnancy?Will my massage hurt?What do I wear during my massage?How will I feel after my massage?How often should I receive a massage?What are your hours?
What are the benefits of massage therapy?Massage can make you feel comfortable and very relaxed. It has many health benefits that are achieved by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. This allows the body to be in a state of natural healing. During the massage, circulation of blood and lymph are increased. This aids oxygenation of the blood and increases the body's ability to flush toxins from the system. Muscle tensions and trigger points can be released, and that release can decrease the sensation of muscle pain. back to top
When should I receive a massage?You may receive a massage at most anytime: prior to or after a sporting event, after an injury, when muscles are hurting, when physical or emotional stress is high. However, it is important to tell your therapist about your current health status and what is going on in your life prior to the treatment. Sometimes massage is not appropriate right after certain types of illness or surgery. Your therapist will know how long to wait. Also, different techniques may be used according to what is coming up on your schedule. For example, the massage techniques that would be used prior to a sporting race or game are very different than techniques used as a recovery massage after the event. Be very open with your massage therapist about your medications and health status. All information will be held in strict confidence. back to top
Is massage safe during my pregnancy?Yes, most of the time. Your therapist is trained in contraindications during pregnancy. Be candid and open about your health status with your therapist and they will customize a safe and relaxing treatment for you and your unborn child. back to top
Will my massage hurt?Simply put, no. An experienced massage therapist will know the appropriate amount of pressure to use on your muscle tissue. Some deep tissue techniques feel more firm than Swedish style massage and may feel intense to some people. Your therapist should observe carefully the tissue's response to the techniques and adjust them accordingly. Also, if you feel uncomfortable at ANY time, say so! Your massage therapist will welcome the feedback and change the technique immediately. Everybody is different, and preferences vary. Your session will be unique to you and your requests for less pressure or deeper pressure will be honored. back to top
What do I wear during my massage?Your massage is to make YOU comfortable. Wear, or don't wear, whatever makes you the most comfortable. Your massage will take place in a private office on a professional massage table. There are sheets and blankets on the table. Your therapist will leave the room while you get on the table and knock before they re-enter. You may undress to your comfort level, lie on the table, and cover yourself with the sheets and blankets. Most clients wear their underpants or are nude, but some prefer to remain dressed. Either way, the entire body is draped according to National Certification Board standards and only the part of the body that is being massaged at that time is exposed. Most people find this style of draping modest and comfortable. back to top
How will I feel after my massage?You will feel comfortable and relaxed after your massage. Hopefully, your muscles will feel better too! Some people feel a little drowsy at first, but report feeling calm and alert for the rest of the day or beyond. After deep tissue work, some clients experience mild muscle sensations similar to those following exercise. You should not experience any pain from the bodywork after the session. If you do, please discuss this with your massage therapist so that they may modify their techniques for your next session. back to top
How often should I receive a massage?Frequency varies with the recipient. For persons in an acute phase of an injury or pain pattern, it can be useful to receive massage therapy every 5-10 days, then gradually space the sessions out longer as comfort increases. Some people make appointments only when their muscles are really hurting. Many people find that receiving regular massage therapy keeps their bodies comfortable and their general health good. For some people this means once a week massages, for others every 2-3 weeks. Some people receive once a month or every six weeks. There is no right or wrong schedule. Your massage therapist will not pressure you into a set amount of sessions. You may make appointments as frequently as benefits YOUR body. back to top
What are your hours?Appointments are available Monday-Friday. Our first appointment available is at 8:30 AM and our last scheduled appointment is 5:30 PM. back to top